What is bug bounty?

Identification and reporting of bugs and vulnerabilities in a responsible way.

All depends on interest and hardwork, not on degree, age, branch, college, etc.

                                                      What to study?

1. Internet, HTTP, TCP/IP
2. Networking
3. Command line
4. Linux
5. Web technologies, javascript, php, java
6. Atleast 1 prog language (Python/C/JAVA/Ruby..)

                                          Choose your path (imp)

1. Web pentesting
2. Mobile pentesting
3. Desktop apps


 For web 

1.Web app hackers handbook

2. Web hacking 101
3. Hacker's playbook 1,2,3
4. Hacking art of exploitation
5. Mastering modern web pen testing
6. OWASP Testing guide

 For mobile
1. Mobile application hacker's handbook

2. Youtube channels

1. Live Overflow
2. Hackersploit
3. Bugcrowd
4. Hak5
5. Hackerone
2. Programming
1. thenewboston
2. codeacademy

                             Writeups, Articles, blogs

1. Medium (infosec writeups)
2. Hackerone public reports
4. Portswigger
5. Reddit (Netsec)
6. DEFCON conference videos
7. Forums 

5. Practice (imp)

1. Burpsuite
2. nmap
3. dirbuster
4. sublist3r
5. Netcat

2. Testing labs

2. bWAPP
3. Vulnhub
4. Metasploitable
5. CTF365
6. Hack the box


1. Select a platform 
1. Hackerone
2. Bugcrowd
3. Open bug bounty
4. Zerocopter
5. Antihack
6. Synack (private)

1. Choose wisely (first not for bounty)
2. Select a bug for hunt
3. Exhaustive search
4. Not straightforward always


5. Create a descriptive report
6. Follow responsible disclosure
7. Create POC and steps to reproduce

                                    Words of wisdom

1. PATIENCE IS THE KEY, takes years to master, don't fall for overnight success
2. Do not expect someone will spoon feed you everything.
3. Confidence
4. Not always for bounty
5. Learn a lot
6. Won't find at the beginning, don't lose hope
7. Stay focused
8. Depend on yourself
9. Stay updated with infosec world
